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Writer's picturethewayofthesilk

A day of EDL lessons

It was an inspiring day at Riverland Horse Farm yesterday. We met Elena and her mum, who own this beautiful peaceful place somewhere in the country side below Utrecht. They have 3 beautiful horses, who are with them since the start. Elena started horse riding at the age of 9 years old, with a great teacher Stephanie Durand and then she did the Parelli career. Her connection while riding was beautiful to see, her sit upwards straight, with a big smile and a soft happy attitude with her horses. It seems there were no expectations from her side while riding, she was enjoying every step of the ride, being in tune with the horse in every step. Horses were relaxed the whole time even facing new exercises, proof of trust in Elena and her way to communicate to them through the aids.

Horses were not beginners in dressage, they all had quiet a good level, beautiful movements, forward and willing to do. Naturally all of them had beautiful movements, which only improved along the lesson.

Except for the beautiful Elena, we also had the pleasure to have Frances and Rosa, students of Elena, both very willing to learn and open to a new approach of riding with horses.

Nicoló, as usual, had a very relaxing effects on the horses, which started to yawn and relax during bit work. Under saddle the work was on the basics, stability, mise en main, activity, self carriage, good connection with the hand.

I watch him working, and I learn how to do myself, I learn more details, I learn what to improve in my next lessons.

I feel always lucky to have this incredible opportunity to learn so much from this great horseman, support him along his clinics is rewarding. What we do it’s for a good cause, the well-being of horses and to shine a light somewhere, trying to get more people involved following the good principles of horse back riding.

p.s. Some pictures of the day made by Frances, very beautiful! one of our little Maya who stays at our side the whole time and in every event.

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